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Juan José Cigarrán Magán  

Let’s prepare today for the immediate future, early tomorrow morning.

We live in a dynamic business scenario, we have not yet recovered from the arrival of Artificial Intelligence and the future is daunting when we combine the new possibilities with the new formats that are on the horizon.

Artificial intelligence applied to electronic invoices, a bombshell. At least that’s how we see it analyzing the future of a Holded consulting firm that provides accounting and tax advisory services.

I strongly recommend personally checking how artificial intelligence interacts with a PDF file, in particular with PDF invoices, to see how current technologies identify with some ease the information needed to automate administrative and accounting backoffice tasks.

The technology is not perfect, it has certain limitations derived from the need to use image recognition applications, as well as the disparity and diversity of invoice formats, use of colors, different fonts, even the different format of apparently standard fields, such as the dashes in the tax identification codes. There are several examples that we have been able to analyze in a Holded consultancy that provides accounting and tax consultancy services.

However, the electronic invoice introduces a series of mandatory formats that will eliminate all these difficulties, the OCR will not need to go through the document in search of the information, the electronic invoice will deliver the information perfectly ordered, with correctly identified and named fields.

Get ahead of time. In Spain it will be in July 2025

Adaptability and technological anticipation are more than mere strategies; they are indispensable for success and sustainability.

With the new regulations that will make electronic invoicing mandatory for large companies in July 2025, organizations are at a crossroads similar to the one they faced with the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI): adapt quickly or be left behind.

In less than 15 months, large companies will have to adapt to a new reality: the obligation to issue and receive electronic invoices. This legislative change, although challenging, represents a unique opportunity to review and optimize administrative and financial processes.

The Advantage of Technological Anticipation:

The history of technology adoption in business teaches us a valuable lesson about anticipation. Those companies that get ahead of the curve in implementing changes, such as electronic invoicing, not only ensure timely compliance with legal requirements, but also gain efficiency, agility and transparency in their operations.

Artificial intelligence, in its early days, represented unknown and, for some, intimidating territory. However, early adopters have been able to transform their operations, improving everything from customer service to logistics and decision making. Similarly, e-invoicing offers transformational potential, simplifying document management and strengthening compliance practices. It is very important for a Holded consultancy that provides accounting and tax advisory services.

A Path to Efficiency and Innovation:

The transition to electronic invoicing, like the integration of AI solutions, is not merely a response to a legal obligation; it is a strategic decision that opens doors to innovation and operational efficiency. Automating invoicing not only reduces the risk of human error but also facilitates better financial analysis, thanks to the availability and accessibility of real-time data.

Facing digitization and process automation, such as e-invoicing, is a challenge reminiscent of that posed by the adoption of AI. In both cases, the key to success lies not only in adopting new technologies but in doing so proactively, reimagining processes and business culture to fully embrace the possibilities they offer.


The mandatory e-invoicing for large companies in July 2025 is a reminder that the future of business is intrinsically linked to technology. As with artificial intelligence, anticipation and adaptation are not only competitive advantages, but essential for survival and growth. It is time to look ahead and transform challenges into opportunities, preparing today for tomorrow.

If the transition to electronic invoicing represents a challenge for your company, we are here to help.

Our team of experts can guide you through the digitization process, ensuring that your company not only complies with the new regulations but also benefits from the efficiencies and opportunities that these technologies offer.

¿Necesita ayuda? En Cigarrán Abogados podemos ayudarte (+34) 91.355.85.15

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